
It’s been a couple of weeks since I last posted anything – I went to Australia and got a new tattoo and between those two huge things I lacked inspiration and time, but I’m back now.

Have you ever been to a pharmacy in Australia? They’re freaking ridiculous. The makeup is super cheap and the selection is huge. I went to buy some pawpaw for the tattoo and came out with, among many other things, Revlon’s limited edition Nail Art Chalkboard polish.


I don’t know if you can get in in NZ, I haven’t seen it but I also haven’t been looking for it. It’s probably everywhere for under $20 NZD.

I’ve mentioned before about my love of nail art, especially if it’s idiot proof. Chalkboard requires some dexterity – you paint 2 coats of the black matte polish, wait for it to dry (all of 3 minutes), then use the thin brush in the ‘chalk’ end to draw a couple of patterns.


Here’s something I prepared earlier.

Ok so my patterns weren’t great – in my defence I was rushing a bit because we had theme parks to go to or something. Also I’m not artistic. Or very creative. But that’s not the point! The point is that Chalkboard is pretty cool to play with, dries super quickly, and is really easy to take off unlike other blacks which smudge everywhere. It started chipping after a couple of days, but I didn’t use a base coat and I feel like a top coat would’ve ruined the matte effect.

Let’s be honest, the main reason I like it is because it’s matte – do you have any recommendations for other matte nail polishes I can play with? I’ve heard you can add a bit of cornflour and it’ll kill the shine, have you tried that? Will I ruin everything if I do that?

One thought on “Beauty Spot: Chalkboard Nails

  1. this is so so cool!! I need to try this ASAP! šŸ˜€ i’ve never been to australia – but it sounds great ā¤ and congrats on the tattoo! šŸ™‚

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